
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Oh so Shabby Chic

Have you ever seen those oh so Shabby Chic looks and thought, hum, wonder if I can do something like that. 
Well, I am going to teach you.  With one of my own tutorials  will help you find your inner Shabby Chic.

By now, if you have been reading along I don't buy retail to do any of my crafts. This is the same for this craft as well. I am not advertising for anyone, but the best deals I have found to date are at my local Goodwill. If you see (GW) mentioned, this is what I am speaking of.  I shop GW because it saves me a ton of money on my craft projects and if by chance I mess a craft up, well then, I am not out that much money.. 

Shabby Chic Plate and Vase. 

Have you seen this print prior ? If you visit any Victoria Secrets and were handed the adorable little bag upon check out, this tissue paper was inside your bag. Waste not, the bow, is from the handles of the bag as well. 

For the longest time I have wanted to try creating something that has my own signature style. I think I have accomplished this goal.. The beautiful roses, were given to me Mother's Day by my son; David. :)

Lets start this project:
Supply List:
One clear glass plate any size, One clear glass vase any size
Mod Podge
Tissue Paper
Hot Glue
Finger Nail Polish
Paint Brush, any size
                                                              Container for Mod Podge

You will want to flip your plate over, to the back side. Apply a thin layer of mod podge

I think I got mine just a little too thick, so no need to put this much on, just a thin layer will do.

Add your Tissue paper, tear off small amounts or larger pieces if you would like. Keep doing this until your entire (back side of your plate is covered in tissue paper. Allow to  air dry and add another layer of Mod Podge over the tissue paper, allow to air dry.

Allow to dry over night... She is a beauty, is she not.
Total cost for this project $2.50 (I keep Mod Podge on hand)
If you want this same tissue paper, visit your local Victoria Secrets and ask if you can have just a few pieces of there signature tissue paper. Normally, if you shop at GW, you might be able to find some Mod Podge there or at your local craft store for under $5.99 for a small bottle.

I did the same thing for the clear glass vase as shown

Do you see the silver dots on the vase, created with silver finger nail polish.
I had the string of little pearls here in my studio, but you can opt not to use these. If you do, run a small bead of hot glue, lay the tiny pearls on, then another small line of hot glue. Do this until you have run the entire length of the opening. Hot glue dries very fast and you want your pearls or beads to adhere to the top of your vase.
If you have clear sparkle finger nail polish, you can use this to go over each outline of the hearts. This is what I did to give a more Shabby Chic appearance.

Plain Vase with Roses

Oh so Shabby Chic after..

Once you do one of these, you will probably want to do another one.. Yes, Mod Podge can be very addicting once you find that special tissue paper, craft paper, or news print.

GW does receive new items in every other day from major retail stores. So if you see a gray ticket hanging off of any item, this is an item that has been donated from a major retail store. Some of the major retail stores that donate to GW are as follows:

Bed Bath and Beyond
JoAnn Fabric
Plus a list of 30 other major retail stores.

You can find cheap finger nail polish for $1.00 at your local Dollar General store, close by the make up section. If you opt to shop there, as well they do have cheap paint brushes.

Happy Crafting today

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